Thursday, January 13, 2011

Final issue -- Common Project

Dear Sisters,
Happy New Year! I pray for each of us that we have a blessed one, one that leads us closer to God so that we can continue to assist in the spread of His Kingdom.
I now have had feedback from each of you along with Sister Adalberta. The things that we can really do in common to unite us all are highlighted in red. The other points are being done in some way by all provinces/unit/delegation.

Some changes/additions:

• I am including the website to the blog which Claudia is maintaining. I encourage each of you to send items to her ( to post for your particular area.

• The date for perpetual adoration will be June 3, the birthday of Mother Pauline. All Associates need not do this, as long as some one is represented.

Respect Life in All Stages and in All Circumstances

Prayer Life:
Several years ago, Sister Adalberta recommended that each time we pray the “Our Father”, we would be united, Sisters and Associates
• Several groups are praying the community “Bless O God prayer”
Claudia Mura worked out a schema for continuous adoration on June 3.

Community Life:
• Many groups are doing something with the maxims of Blessed Pauline and/or charism study. In this, it seems that we could all “look” at Mother Pauline; ask ourselves why she did what she did; and finally ask what it means to me as an individual. I think most of you are already doing something similar.

Apostolic Life:
• Here again, all groups are doing some kind of outreach to the poor and underserved. Some are calling it social justice, some charity, some hospitality, but whatever it is being called, you are already doing it.

In order to unify our efforts, what each province/unit/delegation is doing could be posted on the blog Claudia is designing and also on that particular section of the Province website. Each group could be responsible for having someone read and share at meetings.

I am sending this only to the Sisters who were present at the International meeting and I trust that you will share it with your Associate who was there and all the other Sisters who are connected with the Associates.
Thank you for all your time and energy spent on this. Let us try to stay in touch. I will do better, I promise.

Love and prayers,
Sr Joseph Spring


  1. Saludos de los Estados Unidos! Que alegria me llevo al darme cuenta de este blog internacional. Es una buena manera de mantenernos unidos dentro de la comunidad SCC y compartir mas el espiritu de nuestra M. Paulina.

  2. Greetings from the United States! What a joy to find out about this international blog. It is a good way to keep us united within the comunity and share more deeply the spirit (charism) of our Mother Pauline.
